Social Studies - Grade 3

I. Communities: People and Places
      A. People and Places
           1. Report: Ghost Town Community
           2. Oral Report: Cultural Diorama
           3. Story: What is Dallas Like Today?
           4. Display: Vacation Plans

      B. Size Matters
           1. Essay: Community Comparison
           2. Oral Report: Two-sided Discussion
           3. Mural: 100 Years of Change
           4. Drawing: The Old Days
           5. Cartoon Strip: Lost Colony
      C. Location Matters
           1. Role-play: Visitor's Center
           2. Poem: My Community
           3. Game: United States

II. Communities: Places of Strength and Diversity
      A. Gatherings
           1. Interpretation: Pledge of Allegiance
           2. Invention: Community Celebration
           3. Monologue: Community Legend
           4. Discussion: Cause and Effect

      B. Customs
           1. Illustration: Leaving Home
           2. Planning: All Nations Luncheon
           3. Survey: Sabbath Activities
           4. Paragraph: Adding to the Story
III. Communities: Natural Resources Determine Types of Jobs

      A. Job Importance
           1. Budget: It I Had $20 Each Week
           2. Charts: Jobs for Men and Women
           3. Story: 100 Years in the Future
           4. Presentation: Career of Choice

      B. Relationship Between Community and Natural Resources
           1. Mural: Buried "Treasure"
           2. Composition: Song of Resources
           3. Play: Farm Life in One Act
           4. Lists: Advantages and Disadvantages
IV. Government: Orderly Protection of Human Rights
      A. Safety and Order
           1. Game: The Rules of the Game
           2. Rules: Suggestions for Student Handbook
           3. Report / Chart: State Laws
      B. Enforcing Laws
           1. Problem Solving: Community Problem
           2. Oral Report: A Police Officer's Daily Routine
           3. Drawings: Mock Trial in Pictures
      C. Individual Role
           1. Journal: What Rights?
V. Communities: Past and Present
      A. Similarities and Differences
           1. Paragraph: Archaeological Find of the Millennium!
           2. Story: Lost Civilization
           3. Display: Tribal Relics
      B. History and Present-day Identity
           1. Map: Freedom Trail
           2. News: Paul Revere Rides Again!
           3. Letter: Patriot Spy
           4. Charts: City Growth - Problems and Solutions
           5. Role-play: It's My Gold!
VI. Communities: An Interdependent Network
      A. Cities and Rural Areas
           1. Diagram: Mill Design
           2. Oral Report: Product Creation
      B. World Interdependence
           1. Product: It Comes Back!
           2. Report: Australia Settles Down
           3. Essay: From the Outline
           4. Flowchart: Steel Production



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